TURN: Teacher Union Reform Network
New Mexico

Expanded Learning Opportunities

January 17, 2019

The Southwest Teachers Union Reform Network (SW TURN) has been actively examining, experimenting, and implementing Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) as a way to achieve results for students. Of the SW TURN states (Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico), Colorado has been especially involved in exploring the various ways in which schools can use ELO. This brief, while not a complete report of all SW TURN ELO efforts, examines a selection of Colorado public schools in order to capture the stories and reflect on the lessons learned.

As the name suggests, ELO encompasses any activity that expands the opportunity for learning. Implementations of ELOs take many forms, from increased length of the school day/year (often referred to as Expanded Learning Time (ELT)), reformatting current school schedules, adopting new curriculums such as blended learning, or any other activity that redefines the actual time students are engaged in meaningful learning activities. It is important to note that ELO is not a goal, but rather a process that allows educators to engage with students to achieve results for students.

The full report can be viewed by clicking below:

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