TURN: Teacher Union Reform Network

Grappling with CoVid's Impact on Education: Labor & Management Confront the Crisis!

November 23, 2021

What challenges did districts and unions face as they confronted Covid-19? How did they meet these challenges? What kinds of labor-management agreements did they reach and under whatcircumstances? The California Labor Management Initiative (CA LMI) commissioned a study to answer these questions. The study encompasses the first nine months of Covid, from the time schools closed for in-person instruction in March 2020 through the end of that calendar year. Data were collected through Interviews with district and union leaders and reviews of labor-management agreements in 12 California school districts that reflect the state’s geographic and demographic diversity.

This study was commissioned by the California Labor Management Initiative (CA LMI) and developed by Julia E. Koppich, PhD, J. Koppich & Associates with the assistance of Eileen Behr, May 26, 2021