California Posts

New Case Study: Impact of the CEC Labor Management Partnership in Santa Clara California
October 29, 2019 What happens when a concerted effort is invested in promoting healthy relationships between education leaders and practitioners? The Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) in partnership with the Santa Clara Labor Management Partnership has spent the last five years focused on doing just that. READ MORE

CalTURN: Strengthening Relationships During Challenging Times
February 4, 2019 As the first regional convening since the Supreme Court ruling on "fair share," the fall CalTURN conference focused on sustaining relationships and nurturing the culture of "We." Hacienda La Puente's labor-management team react to ideas presented at CalTURN in October, 2018. READ MORE
Relationships Matter!
August 16, 2018 With mounting research that correlates relationships with successful learning environments and outcomes for students, March CalTURN focused on relationship building as a vehicle to improve student success. The conference started off with a review of research conducted by Alan Daly from UC San Diego that indicates relationships are an underutilized resource. READ MORE
Engaging Students, Educators, and Communities to Maximize Impact for Student Success
January 22, 2018 As the state of California moves further into discussions about creating a ‘whole –child’ education system, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), school climate and conditions, and student and community voice are gaining traction. This year’s fall CalTURN provided Labor-Management teams opportunities to learn together around a variety of these topics. READ MORE
Teacher Stories - Marie Naia
December 19, 2017 Video 5 of 5 Teacher Stories features short stories from educators that highlight impactful moments from the classroom. WATCH NOW
Teacher Stories - Michelle Yoshida
December 19, 2017 Video 4 of 5 Teacher Stories features short stories from educators that highlight impactful moments from the classroom. WATCH NOW
Teacher Stories - Sunny Kaura
December 19, 2017 Video 3 of 5 Teacher Stories features short stories from educators that highlight impactful moments from the classroom. WATCH NOW
Raising the Bar in Corona-Norco
September 11, 2017 Video 2 of 5 Centennial High School in Corona, California, uses several strategies to raise the bar for the academic success of their students. There is no "one size fits all" approach. WATCH NOW
School Climate and Collaboration: A Path to Whole Child and Whole School Success
March 3, 2017 Learn how the California Labor Management Initiative and the Consortium for Educational Change are working to create the conditions and environment in schools and districts to foster collaboration. By empowering teacher voice to share the strengths and weaknesses of programs, trust is built and students are the beneficiaries of the collaboration. READ MORE
Teacher Voice in Corona-Norco
March 4, 2016 Video 1 of 5 The voice of the teacher is one of the most important in education. Unfortunately, in many school systems across the country, it is not being heard. However, in Corona-Norco Unified School District, teacher opinions and ideas are valued and sought out by administration. WATCH NOW
Shannan Brown