Collaborating For Student Success
May 16, 2022 The National Labor Management Partnership is proud to present a new model for education partnerships. Effective collaborative partnerships in education lead to greater teacher retention and educator empowerment, more effective communication amongst stakeholders, and most importantly, an increase in student success, even in high poverty school districts. WATCH NOW
Essential Work: Considering today's hiring crisis, we discuss how to best support the backbone of your school community: your c
March 2, 2022 READ MORE

2011-2021 Ten years of SEL in US School Districts - Elements for Long-Term Sustainability of SEL
January 21, 2022 In 2011, CASEL launched the Collaborating Districts Initiative (CDI) to study whether it was possible to implement SEL systemically in large, urban districts across the United States. Systemic SEL implementation is more pervasive and complex than the introduction of a single lesson or class period. READ MORE

Grappling with CoVid's Impact on Education: Labor & Management Confront the Crisis!
November 23, 2021 What challenges did districts and unions face as they confronted Covid-19? How did they meet these challenges? What kinds of labor-management agreements did they reach and under whatcircumstances? The California Labor Management Initiative (CA LMI) commissioned a study to answer these questions. READ MORE
Foundations in Labor Management Collaboration: A Framework & Resources
November 22, 2021 Fulfilling the promise of public education requires joining up teachers and education employees, administrators, school boards, parents and community, and other stakeholders to share in the decision-making around teaching and learning to prepare all students to succeed. WATCH NOW
September 29, 2021 To support you, the AFT and NASSP are launching a virtual learning series ,“Leading Forward, Together,” focused on transformative labor-management collaboration .Sessions are designed to equip participants with the tools to build teams that can navigate and thrive in a rapidly changing school environment. Click here to reserve your spot now for our kickoff webinar on Oct. 25 from 4-5:30 p. READ MORE

2021 National LMC Symposium: Rethinking Our Schools - From Crisis to Opportunity!
May 26, 2021 Join us virtually on June 15-17, 2021 as we showcase multiple stories of collaborative union-management partnerships - their challenges and accomplishments throughout this pandemic! Sponsored by the National Labor Management Partners (NLMP) and the Consortium for Educational Change (CEC). Registration is Free! READ MORE
National TURN Opening Session March 2, 2021
April 5, 2021 The Opening Session of the National TURN Convening: Reflections on Teaching, Learning & Leading Throughout this Pandemic on March 2, 2021 features NEA President Becky Pringle and AFT President Randi Weingarten. WATCH NOW

Organizing Through the 3 Frames of Comprehensive Unionism 2022
April 4, 2021 The purpose of a union is to be a vehicle for meeting the needs, interests, and aspirations of its members. By organizing and banding together, the union’s strength in numbers provides more power and effectiveness beyond what individuals could accomplish themselves. READ MORE

Nick Wahl: Interest-Based Bargaining
June 19, 2020 Episode 11 of 11 In this episode, Jo Anderson, Co-Executive Director for the Consortium for Educational Change, speaks with Nick Wahl, a champion in the education arena, having served public schools for more than thirty years in roles as teacher, coach, athletic director, building principal, assistant superintendent and superintendent of schools. LISTEN NOW

Rethinking our schools: Navigating Covid-19 and beyond!
June 5, 2020 “There are things we can learn in the messiness of adapting through this crisis…. We should be asking: How do we make our school, education, and child-development systems more individually responsive to the needs of our students? Why not construct a system that meets children where they are and gives them what they need inside and outside of school in order to be successful? READ MORE

Carole Collins Ayanlaja: Equity
November 20, 2019 Episode 10 of 11 In this episode, Arlana Bedard, a Programs & Services Director with Consortium for Educational Change, speaks with Carole Collins Ayanlaja, an Assistant Professor at Eastern Illinois University. Carole and Arlana talk about the intersectionalities of race and gender and their impact on educational leadership. To learn more about the Consortium for Educational Change and TURN, visit CECweb. LISTEN NOW

New Case Study: Impact of the CEC Labor Management Partnership in Santa Clara California
October 29, 2019 What happens when a concerted effort is invested in promoting healthy relationships between education leaders and practitioners? The Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) in partnership with the Santa Clara Labor Management Partnership has spent the last five years focused on doing just that. READ MORE
In Memory of Dal George Lawrence
May 20, 2019 Dal George Lawrence, who advanced a teaching profession around excellence, pride, collegiality and performance, died on May 14 at Hospice of Northwest Ohio, Perrysburg. Mr. Lawrence, president of the Toledo Federation of Teachers from 1966 to 1996, was 86 and lived in Sylvania, Ohio, with his wife of 46 years, Francine Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence was born on August 10, 1932. READ MORE

Ruth Cross and Gail Capps: Social Emotional Learning
May 1, 2019 Episode 9 of 11 In this episode, Mary McDonald, the Senior Director of Regional and National Work with Consortium for Educational Change, speaks with Ruth Cross and Gail Capps. Ruth is a retired teacher, principal and assistant superintendent and now works with CASEL, the Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning. LISTEN NOW

NEP Webinar: Implicit Bias, Structural Racialization, and Equity
April 11, 2019 The National Equity Project is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, April 24th, from 11am-Noon Pacific Time to talk about their stance and framework around implicit bias, structural racialization, and equity -- and provide a few tips and tools to use in your work. READ MORE

Eugene Robinson, Jr.: Ensuring Postsecondary Success for All Students
April 4, 2019 Episode 8 of 11 In this episode, Arlana Bedard, a Programs & Services Director with Consortium for Educational Change, speaks with Eugene Robinson, Jr., the Director of Postsecondary Support & Strategy with the Chicago Public Schools Office of Network Support. Eugene talks about how school systems can better ensure postsecondary success for African-American male students. LISTEN NOW
Northeast TURN
February 4, 2019 Reiche Community School team pictured at our summer Maine TURN meeting. Northeast TURN sponsored two events this past summer facilitated by Ann Cummings-Bogan of Consortium for Educational Change. The first brought together union and teacher leaders, central and building level administrators to learn together about collaborative structures, systems and procedures aimed at shared leadership to... READ MORE
MASE TURN: Engaging Beginning Teachers
February 4, 2019 Engaging Beginning Teachers is something the GCAE Early Career Educators have been working on this fall. We've had one-on-one conversations with beginning teachers and hosted EdCamps in which great conversations and learning took place. The one-on-one conversations led us to the topics which were based on their needs. READ MORE