Northeast TURN sponsored two events this past summer facilitated by Ann Cummings-Bogan of Consortium for Educational Change. The first brought together union and teacher leaders, central and building level administrators to learn together about collaborative structures, systems and procedures aimed at shared leadership to improve student learning. About 60 educators from 4 districts attended. The second event was a full district professional development training which served as a kick off event for the 2018-19 school year. The new teacher contract provides for imbedded collaborative time for teacher to work together, so Ann provided staff with a solid research based background in best practices. School teams had time to try out strategies and set work goals for the year. As one veteran teach shared after the event: "I've been doing this for a lot of years and I hate these full PD days, but I have to tell you, this was really good." A ringing endorsement.
The next Northeast TURN conference is scheduled for March 22 & 23, 2019, in Burlington, Massachusetts.