TURN: Teacher Union Reform Network

Teacher Union Reform Network is a union-led effort to strengthen the nation’s teachers unions by promoting progressive reforms that will ultimately lead to better learning for all students. Because teachers are closest to students, to the learning process, and because of their link to parents and the larger communities, we are in a unique position to stimulate the necessary changes that will lead to sustaining more equitable and effective schools for all students.

Resources to Strengthen Collaboration for Student Success
Essential Work: Considering today's hiring crisis, we discuss how to best support the backbone of your school community: your c
2011-2021 Ten years of SEL in US School Districts - Elements for Long-Term Sustainability of SEL
Collaborating For Student Success

May 16, 2022 The National Labor Management Partnership is proud to present a new model for education partnerships. Effective collaborative partnerships in education lead to greater teacher retention and educator empowerment, more effective communication amongst stakeholders, and most importantly, an increase in student success, even in high poverty school districts.  WATCH NOW

Grappling with CoVid's Impact on Education: Labor & Management Confront the Crisis!

November 23, 2021 What challenges did districts and unions face as they confronted Covid-19? How did they meet these challenges? What kinds of labor-management agreements did they reach and under whatcircumstances? The California Labor Management Initiative (CA LMI) commissioned a study to answer these questions.  READ MORE

Foundations in Labor Management Collaboration: A Framework & Resources

November 22, 2021 Fulfilling the promise of public education requires joining up teachers and education employees, administrators, school boards, parents and community, and other stakeholders to share in the decision-making around teaching and learning to prepare all students to succeed.  WATCH NOW

New Case Study: Impact of the CEC Labor Management Partnership in Santa Clara California

October 29, 2019 What happens when a concerted effort is invested in promoting healthy relationships between education leaders and practitioners? The Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) in partnership with the Santa Clara Labor Management Partnership has spent the last five years focused on doing just that.  READ MORE

Northeast TURN

February 4, 2019 Reiche Community School team pictured at our summer Maine TURN meeting. Northeast TURN sponsored two events this past summer facilitated by Ann Cummings-Bogan of Consortium for Educational Change. The first brought together union and teacher leaders, central and building level administrators to learn together about collaborative structures, systems and procedures aimed at shared leadership to...  READ MORE

MASE TURN: Engaging Beginning Teachers

February 4, 2019 Engaging Beginning Teachers is something the GCAE Early Career Educators have been working on this fall. We've had one-on-one conversations with beginning teachers and hosted EdCamps in which great conversations and learning took place. The one-on-one conversations led us to the topics which were based on their needs.  READ MORE

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