Mid-Atlantic Southeast Posts
MASE TURN: Engaging Beginning Teachers
February 4, 2019 Engaging Beginning Teachers is something the GCAE Early Career Educators have been working on this fall. We've had one-on-one conversations with beginning teachers and hosted EdCamps in which great conversations and learning took place. The one-on-one conversations led us to the topics which were based on their needs. READ MORE
Guilford County Launches EdCamp for Beginning Educators
August 16, 2018 The Guilford County Association of Educators’ Early Career Leadership Fellows (ECLF) are making a positive impact on newer educators of Guilford County by hosting EdCamps on topics relevant to teachers. EdCamp is an informal professional learning opportunity for teachers guided by teachers. READ MORE
Guilford County NCEA Focuses on Resilience Strategies
January 22, 2018 MASE TURN continues to seek opportunities to support association-district partnerships in designing and implementing programs and practices that help all students succeed. Guilford County-NCAE brought together a joint team representing administrators, teacher leaders and community leaders to the Regional TURN Summer Conference in 2016. READ MORE
Ken Haines on Cultivating a Calling
July 15, 2015 Ken Haines, past president in Prince George's County, Maryland, speaks about "Cultivating a Calling: What made you want to become a teacher, and what keeps you motivated?" in a keynote at the ECET 2 conference. WATCH NOW

Mid-Atlantic/Southeast TURN Labor-Management Collaboration Conference May 30, 2015
April 17, 2015 LEADING OUR PROFESSION Through Labor-Management Partnerships Click Here to Register You are invited to attend the MASE TURN Meeting on May 30, 2015 in Forestville, MD, hosted by Prince George’s County Educators’ Association. READ MORE
Mid-Atlantic/Southeast-Florida TURN Labor-Management Collaboration Conference January 22-23, 2015
December 2, 2014 LEADING OUR PROFESSION: Collaborative Approaches To Prepare Our Students for the 21st Century Click Here to Register Our next MASE/Florida TURN Labor-Management Collaboration Conference is set for January 22-23, 2015 in Tampa, FL. We are excited to be able to provide this opportunity to bring together collaborative teams of union and management from accross the MASE/Florida region states. READ MORE
Florida TURN: Inaugural Conference, Fall 2013
November 17, 2013 A total of 60 participants representing 10 counties across the state of Florida, accepted the invitation to participate in the launch of FloridaTURN. Most participated in teams of union & teacher leaders, school or district administration and parent/community leaders. READ MORE
MASE TURN Fall 2013 Conference: Disorganizing to Organize
November 3, 2013 Raleigh, NC (Oct 18-19, 2013) ~ A small but determined group of teacher leaders and their district/community partners met to address the theme of "Strengthening Teacher Voice to Improve Teaching & Learning. READ MORE
Kathy Breakall, Florida TURN